
Definition Satellite

The satellite is transmitting media whose primary function is receiving signals from ground stations and forward them to other earth stations. Satellites orbiting at an altitude of 36,000 km above the Earth has orbital angular velocity equal to the orbital velocity of the earth. This causes the satellite to be relatively stationary position of the Earth (geostationary), when the satellite is orbiting over the equator. In principle, by placing three geostationary satellites in the right position to reach the entire surface of the earth. Advantages satellite is cheaper than cable roll out across the continent, can reach the Earth's surface area, including remote areas with low population, the growing telecommunications traffic between the satellite system benuamembuat commercially attractive enough. The drawback is the lack of technology for the use of satellite antennas with a large size, the cost of investment and asuransisatelit are still expensive, large atmospheric losses for frequencies above 30 GHz limit the use of carrier frequency.

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